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Latest XComms News

XComms Global is expanding it's operations to the Middle East
XComms announces its expansion into the Middle East, bringing innovative corporate communication solutions to enhance employee engagement and collaboration. With tailored support and localized solutions, XComms is committed to helping businesses in the region improve internal communication.

XComms USA Fully Integrates Artificial Intelligence into Communication Platform for Enhanced User Experience and Effective Messaging
Read about XComms USA's full integration of artificial intelligence into its communication platform, providing innovative features such as targeted messaging and translation in any language. Discover how XComms is committed to enhancing user experience and improving communication strategies for organizations

XComms Global is expanding it's operations to the African continent
The XComms team has been working hard to identify new opportunities for growth and expansion of our support infratructure and we believe that Africa represents a significant potential for us to serve new markets and provide our customers with innovative communications solutions and services.

New XComms Tools!
With XComms On Demand, you can get your employees' attention faster and more conveniently than ever before with multiple alert deployment options.

The Exclusive Nexus Alert Hub From XComms is Now Available!
Automating your alerting process makes life easier and customizing your alert panel is effortless. You simply create your alert and assign it to a key on the Nexus. In addition, you can add images to each illuminated key for a great visual aid.

Take Your XComms Alerts With You Anywhere You Go

Best Comms Tools 2023

Stay Tuned
We're committed to pushing the boundaries and delivering the best experiences to our customers, and there's more on the way.
Get ready, because the best is yet to come!
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