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  • Writer's pictureCristina

Screensavers for Employee Communication

  • Market Company Initiatives

  • Display Important Business Information and News

  • Inform Employees of health and safety protocols

  • Celebrate Achievements With On-Screen Recognition

  • Reinforce Business Standards

Use a Variety of Content

  • Display different types of media such as:

  • Single or Multiple Images

  • Videos

  • Use Audio

  • PowerPoint Presentations

Improve Onsite and Offsite Employee Awareness and Keep Everyone Engaged and Informed

As soon as an employee's screen is inactive the computer's screensaver kicks in creating a powerful medium to communicate what is most important to employees and any passerby.

By using screensavers as a communication tool businesses can keep staff informed across even the largest of networks across any location.


Display safety and health standards

Create More Information Security Awareness

Employee Recognition

Corporate Achievements

Lobby Screensavers To Communicate Brand Values

Break Room Screensavers To Further Communicate With Staff

Display Performance Metrics

Advertise Goals

Motivational Messaging

Instant Updates


With XComms the possibilities are endless for what you can communicate via screensaver

Corporate Screensaver Examples:


Learn more about how XComms can help your organization manage your internal screensaver program.

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The goal of XComms is to provide the most innovative tools to organizations across the globe to improve their internal communication processes, increase employee engagement and productivity, and provide employees with relevant and timely information.

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